About Me

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I am the eldest of three girls living on a cattle property in Australia. Mr Fun and Mrs Patient are my wonderful parents. Rosebud, is my youngest sister and Zoe is the middle bear. We love exploring the creek and enjoy spending time with our pets. We have so many stories to share so I hope you enjoy reading them and maybe share some of yours as well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Mrs patient here.  We have a new puppy!

Rosebud and Zoe

I found Zoe in the pound and thought I could give her a new life at our home with three girls who would spoil her rotten. She is a 16 week old Foxy Cross and so far has been absolutely perfect. I would also like to add she is better at keeping the cattle out of my house yard then Sid, the Border Collie, is. 
She only barks when there is something unusual going on which is great for a small dog.  She remains outside and so far have resisted to let her become an inside dog much to the requests of the girls.
Sid is still getting used to her. The first day we came home she would not let him in the garage. But now they are becoming great mates.

Zoe saying" Come on Sid, I know you like me!"


  1. AWWW they look so good together. Glad she is settling in

  2. Fox Terriers are such high energy little charactors. Good luck with the keeping up....


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